Does PHA work on melasma ?

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Polyhydroxy acids (PHA)

What are polyhydroxy acids?

Polyhydroxy acids (PHAs) are the new and improved cousins of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). They work as chemical exfoliants, and are therefore useful in skincare. They work slowly, which makes them fairly mild. People with sensitive skin can use PHAs without any problem.

What is it best for?

PHAs remove dead skin cells from the uppermost layers of skin to reveal soft, bright skin. If you have dull, tired-looking skin, PHAs are the right ingredient for you. They also have antioxidants that protect the skin from UV damage, and make the skin’s barrier stronger. PHA protects collagen from breaking down, which keeps your skin looking younger for longer.

What is the drawback?

They are mild, so they work slowly – which may not be what you want. PHAs are exfoliants, so be careful when you start using them, especially if your skin is sensitive or damaged. Skin that reacts to new products may find PHAs irritating, mild as they are. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, and people with skin infections or open wounds should avoid using PHAs.


What is melasma?

Melasma is a specific example of hyperpigmentation. Melasma looks like whole patches of brown or darker skin across the parts of the face and neck. Melasma is common among women who are pregnant - it’s even referred to as “the mask of pregnancy.”  But melasma can occur in both men and women who are not pregnant, too. Melasma can be caused by UV damage, but there are also genetic, hormonal, and medication-induced causes for melasma, too.

What ingredients are best for melasma?

There are a variety of topical ingredients that can be used to lighten the skin from melasma or reduce its appearance. Each ingredient works in different ways, and each has their own benefits and drawbacks.  hydroquinone, arbutin, vitamin C (ascorbic acid, and tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate, etc) are some of the most commonly used ingredients for melasma treatment. 

Hydroquinone is a skin lightening cream that works by suppressing the production of melanin. There are drawbacks to using hydroquinone, however, including cancer risks demonstrated by recent scientific studies, as well as  hydroquinone-induced ochronosis. 

Arbutin is a synthesized derivative of hydroquinone. It acts as a powerful skin lightening ointment that works a bit differently than hydroquinone. It blocks the production of melanin instead of “bleaching” the skin. 

Vitamin C can be used as a brightening agent to lighten the hyperpigmentation of your sunspots or melasma. It works by inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase, preventing the formation of melatonin. 

Ascorbic Acid is actually the formal scientific name for one form of Vitamin C.  It can refer to either a naturally occurring Vitamin C found in foods such as citrus, or a synthetic form of ascorbic acid created to be more shelf-stable for skincare products like discoloration repair lotions and creams. 

Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate is another form of Vitamin C.  By synthesizing this compound from Vitamin C, dermatologists are able to give us all the benefits of Vitamin C in a more shelf-stable form that can also be soluble in oil to make more effective, deeper penetrating skin products.  (Herndon 2016)

Ingredients in the vitamin A family (ie. Retinol, tretinoin, etc) and acids (glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid) help damaged pigmented skin cells shred faster, so they also help with melasma. 

Does PHA work on melasma ?

PHA may be effective for melasma, but there are many other factors that may affect whether this ingredient would work on your skin or if there are better ingredients that may work for you. Take this skin quiz to find the best ingredients for your skin and build your skincare routine.

Next: Does witch hazel work on pigmentation ?

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