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Benzoyl peroxide is a synthetic medication used as a topical agent for fighting bacteria and unclogging pores. It is one of the longest-used medications to treat acne and fight pimples.
Benzoyl peroxide is often used in acne treatments due to its antimicrobial properties. It also has a drying effect, so it is effective at minimizing oily build-up in the pores. Benzoyl peroxide penetrates deep into the pores of skin and delivers oxygen molecules that loosen any buildup of oil, dirt, or dead skin within the pores. It also kills any bacteria trapped in the pores or on the surface of the skin that could lead to acne or skin infections around minor breaks in the skin.
There aren’t many safety concerns with using benzoyl peroxide. In fact, it is listed as one of the safest and most effective medical ingredients by the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medications. However, when used on the skin, it’s drying effect can cause mild irritation and itching. Some people may discover they are allergic to benzoyl peroxide, so caution is advised when trying a new ingredient on your skin.
Hormonal acne is acne which develops in response to hormonal changes, especially a rise in androgens, such as testosterone. The rise in androgen levels can trigger a process of higher sebum production, changes in skin cell activity, inflammation, and colonization of bacteria, resulting in acne.
The secret to winning the battle against hormonal acne is having the right regimen for your skin. Products that are too strong can be irritating and drying, causing your skin to overproduce oil, which leads to more acne. Picking the wrong active ingredients may have no effect on hormonal acne. Using the right regimen for your acne type and skin tolerance can effectively clear acne while keeping your skin healthy and balanced.
benzoyl peroxide may be effective for hormonal acne, but there are many other factors that may affect whether this ingredient would work on your skin or if there are better ingredients that may work for you. Take this skin quiz to find the best ingredients for your skin and build your skincare routine.
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