Does cacay oil work on rosacea ?

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What is cacay oil?

This yellowish-green oil is extracted from the nuts of the cacay plant, which is native to South America. The oil is edible, and it can also be used topically, to treat the skin. It has a mild, nutty scent.

What is it best for?

Cacay oil has Vitamin E, which helps reduce signs of aging by hydrating your skin, making it firmer, and by providing nourishment to damaged areas. It also helps skin heal, due to its Vitamin A content. Some other benefits include: softer and smoother skin, and improved skin tone. It can be used by people with all skin types.

What is the drawback?

Cacay oil has a high concentration of Vitamin A (and therefore retinol), which makes it unsuitable for people with sensitive skin, in whom it can cause irritation and inflammation.


What is rosacea?

Rosacea refers to a redness of the face caused by a condition affecting the blood vessels in the face. It’s more common in middle-aged women with lighter complexions, although rosacea can affect anyone. The exact cause is unknown, though it is typically hereditary and not caused by pore clogs or skin infections. Many people mistake rosacea’s redness and bumpiness of the face for acne. Rosacea has no cure, and it can fluctuate in its severity from month to month.  

What ingredients are best for rosacea?

There are a few ingredients that can help reduce inflammation associated with rosacea. For example, jojoba oil is good for reducing inflammation associated with certain conditions that cause redness. However, it is important to work with a dermatologist to determine the cause of redness on your skin to determine the right course of treatment if it is rosacea or a combination of concerns.

Does cacay oil work on rosacea ?

cacay oil may be effective for rosacea, but there are many other factors that may affect whether this ingredient would work on your skin or if there are better ingredients that may work for you. Take this skin quiz to find the best ingredients for your skin and build your skincare routine.

Next: Does Avocado oil work on bumpy skin ?

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