Does Eucalyptus work on bumpy skin ?

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What is eucalyptus?

Eucalyptus is a fast-growing tree, the leaves of which are used to make eucalyptus oil. This oil has a variety of uses in medicine, and as a flavoring, repellent, and fragrance. Eucalyptus oil has a strong fragrance and powerful properties. It is great for treating nasal congestion, asthma, and to reduce the symptoms of coughs and colds. It also has a number of uses for your skin – to find out if your skin needs this ingredient, take our skin quiz!

What is it best for?

Eucalyptus oil is most known for having antiseptic properties, and can be used to treat wounds and prevent infection. It is often used in creams and ointments that treat burns, cuts, and other minor injuries. You can also treat cold sores by applying eucalyptus oil to the affected area. All of these actions combined make eucalyptus a great ingredient for treating acne and keeping pores clear. 

What is the drawback?

Like all essential oils, eucalyptus oil can be hazardous if used inappropriately. Always dilute it before applying, such as with a carrier oil like olive oil. . Also avoid using this strong oil too close to your eyes, as it may cause irritation and a burning sensation. 

Eucalyptus has been shown to cause flare-ups in rosacea.

Another possible downside is the fact that it is highly allergenic, so make sure you do an allergy test before using the product on your face.


What is bumpy skin?

Bumpy skin is actually called keratosis pilaris, and it is a common—and harmless—skin condition that is most typically found on the upper arms and thighs. Bumpy skin is caused by the buildup of keratin proteins which plug hair follicles, thus resulting in tiny bumps and often rough, dry skin. Usually, this condition begins in childhood and often dissipates with age. 

Sometimes bumpy skin are caused by clogged pores that are deep under your skin.

What ingredients are best for bumpy skin?

Jojoba oil and rose hip oil are good for improving sebum texture and keeping in moisture for healthier skin. Ingredients that help exfoliate dead skin cells and increase new skin cell production, such as Vitamin A/Retinol, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid, are good for keeping skin smooth as well.

Does Eucalyptus work on bumpy skin ?

Eucalyptus may be effective for bumpy skin, but there are many other factors that may affect whether this ingredient would work on your skin or if there are better ingredients that may work for you. Take this skin quiz to find the best ingredients for your skin and build your skincare routine.

Next: Does clay work on rosacea ?

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