Does jojoba oil work on uneven skin tone ?

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Jojoba "oil" is actually not an oil, it's a wax ester. Why does this matter? One, it's notably lighter and less greasy, which is part of the reason why it's so good for your skin (more on that in a minute). It's also more stable; while other oils can quickly go rancid, jojoba oil (we'll keep calling it oil to keep things simple), has an extra long shelf-life.

So what is a wax ester anyway? Well, they're a main component of the sebum (oil) your skin naturally produces, which makes jojoba oil the closest thing out there to your skin's own oil. The technical term for this is 'biomimetic,' meaning it acts and functions like the sebum already in your skin.

Not only is jojoba oil a good pick for acne-prone skin, but it's also a top choice for anyone whose skin is easily irritated, too. Not only do you get those anti-inflammatory benefits, but, jojoba oil is considered hypoallergenic, which means we don't really see many people who react poorly to it.


What is uneven skin tone?

People may refer to their skin tone as uneven if they have patches or blotches of hyperpigmentation (darker or lighter patches) or redness across their face.  This might include red streaks across the forehead, the tip of the nose and cheeks. It could also refer to age spots or sunspots, acne scars, or patches of dull and lifeless looking skin from aging or UV damage. Overly dry skin can cause damage to the follicles and production of collagen and sebum, which can cause the skin to appear duller or ashy.

What ingredients are best for uneven skin tone?

To brighten the skin and provide a more even skin tone, it’s best to moisturize daily and wear sunscreen. Additionally, antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals that damage cells and speed up aging, which can cause dark spots and make acne scarring worse.   Ingredients and nutrients like vitamin C, rumex, arbutin, rosehip oil, jojoba oil, retinol/vitamin A, coenzyme Q10, alpha-hydroxy acid and salicylic acid are all beneficial for evening out the complexion.

Since sun damage is the leading cause for uneven skin tone, it is important to wear sunscreen daily in combination with brightening ingredients.

Does jojoba oil work on uneven skin tone ?

jojoba oil may be effective for uneven skin tone, but there are many other factors that may affect whether this ingredient would work on your skin or if there are better ingredients that may work for you. Take this skin quiz to find the best ingredients for your skin and build your skincare routine.

Next: Does bakuchiol work on acne scars ?

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