Does lemon work on sun spots ?

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What is lemon juice?

Lemon juices are literally the natural juices extracted from the lemon fruit. Citrus naturally contains vitamin C, an ingredient that’s great for the skin. Vitamin C is an important nutrient for healthy skin, bones, teeth and blood vessels. (Pure Vitamin C also goes by the name ascorbic acid.)

What is it best for?

The Vitamin C content in lemon juice may act as an antioxidant to help reduce sun damage and fight wrinkles and other signs of premature aging. This nutrient helps even out skin tone and reduces discoloration. Vitamin C also acts as a hydration barrier, keeping your skin viable and pliable. 

Lemon juice has astringent qualities and can be used to reduce oiliness and inflammation when applied topically. Lemon juice also has antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it good for keeping the pores clean. 

Lemon juice can act as a natural skin toner and brightening agent via its Vitamin C content, an antibacterial additive, and is often used in skincare products.

What is the drawback?

It is not a good idea to apply lemon juice to the skin, because it may be too acidic for your particular skin type. Using acidic solutions in too high of a concentration or for too long can disrupt the skin’s natural pH level. This, in turn, can cause imbalances that can promote the growth of bad bacteria, like those that cause acne. It is better to use a Vitamin C serum that’s specifically formulated for your skin’s needs. Take our skin quiz to find out if you need a vitamin C serum.


What are sunspots?

Sunspots are rather common. They are also called liver spots or solar lentigines. Anyone can have sunspots; however, those who are more fair-skinned, or older than 40-years-old are more susceptible to sunspots. Sunspots tend to be pretty harmless, and it is more of a personal preference if you choose to treat them. The most predictable areas for sunspots to appear are on the back of the hands, the face, your shoulders, and forearms. They are easy to identify, as they are flat brown spots that develop to sun exposure. Real sunspots are harmless and are noncancerous. However, if you see change in your spots or new ones appearing, it is always recommended to have your dermatologist examine your skin for good health.

What ingredients are best for sunspots?

Vitamin E, vitamin C, and ferulic acid work well to not only lighten the sunspots but to help maintain the elasticity of your skin. Vitamin E protects the skin against the damaging affects of the sun, which can make more sunspots or make the ones you already have appear darker.  Combining vitamin E and vitamin C can also help lighten existing sunspots.

Does lemon work on sun spots ?

lemon may be effective for sun spots, but there are many other factors that may affect whether this ingredient would work on your skin or if there are better ingredients that may work for you. Take this skin quiz to find the best ingredients for your skin and build your skincare routine.

Next: Does Sugar work on redness ?

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