Does Sea salt work on hormonal acne ?

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What exactly is sea salt in skincare?

Sea salt is, as the name suggests, salt obtained from sea water. Unlike table salt, it is produced by evaporating seawater, and therefore may contain trace minerals like iron, potassium and zinc. It has a unique taste, and it is widely used for seasoning, preserving, and in cooking. However, in addition to its culinary uses, it can also be used for your skin. Today, many skincare products include sea salt as an ingredient for exfoliating and more. 

What is it best for?

Sea salt can be used as a potent exfoliant, removing dirt, grime and oils, and cleaning the pores on your skin. It can also be used to balance oil production, and reduce oiliness. (Don’t confuse Dead Sea Salt or Epsom Salt with sea salt. Each has unique properties.)  To use, mix a teaspoonful in warm water, and mist onto your face. It’s that easy! Or, to find out if this would make an appropriate ingredient in your daily skincare regimen, click here to take the Skin Quiz.

What is the drawback?

Sea salt, while great for exfoliating, may be harsh on your skin. It may cause mini tears to form on the skin surface, through which bacteria can enter your skin and cause problems such as acne breakouts. Therefore, it may be a good idea to use a gentler exfoliator.


Hormonal acne is acne which develops in response to hormonal changes, especially a rise in androgens, such as testosterone. The rise in androgen levels can trigger a process of higher sebum production, changes in skin cell activity, inflammation, and colonization of bacteria, resulting in acne.

The secret to winning the battle against hormonal acne is having the right regimen for your skin. Products that are too strong can be irritating and drying, causing your skin to overproduce oil, which leads to more acne. Picking the wrong active ingredients may have no effect on hormonal acne. Using the right regimen for your acne type and skin tolerance can effectively clear acne while keeping your skin healthy and balanced.

Does Sea salt work on hormonal acne ?

Sea salt may be effective for hormonal acne, but there are many other factors that may affect whether this ingredient would work on your skin or if there are better ingredients that may work for you. Take this skin quiz to find the best ingredients for your skin and build your skincare routine.

Next: Does honey work on melasma ?

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