Does turmeric work on oily skin ?

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What is turmeric?

Turmeric is a yellow powder obtained from the roots of the turmeric plant, which is in the ginger family. It is used as food coloring and for flavoring and cooking. It’s bright color made it useful as a traditional fabric dye.  In addition to these purposes, turmeric also has a variety of uses in health and skincare from treating inflammation throughout the body to assisting the healing process. When applied topically as a face mask, turmeric can provide many useful benefits. 

What is it best for?

Turmeric contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-neoplastic properties – so in a nutshell, it is your skin’s best friend. 

It is a powerful ingredient that has been traditionally used to lighten skin, reversing sun damage and photoaging.

Additionally, turmeric has been shown to help skin problems like acne and eczema by reducing inflammation, and to heal minor wounds and burns. A turmeric face mask will leave you with radiant, beautiful skin.

What is the drawback?

Turmeric is a potent dye, and it can stain any surface, including your skin. This is usually temporary, but it may be undesirable. In addition, if you are allergic to turmeric, direct contact with the ingredient may cause irritation, redness and swelling.


What is oily skin? 

Oily skin occurs when the sebaceous glands in the pores are producing more oil, or sebum, than necessary. Sebum is natural in all skin as it keeps the skin moist and healthy. Over production of sebum can be caused by hormones, genetics or could even be a result of dry skin over-compensating by producing extra oil, in order to retain some measure of moisture. 

Oily skin can also be caused by using the wrong products for your skin type. For example, if you are using overly drying soaps and astringents for your skin type, your skin may respond by over producing oil to compensate, as mentioned above. This can create an unfortunate cycle of using harsh soaps to eliminate oils, but instead exacerbating the problem. 

On the other hand, overly oily makeup and products can also cause oily skin. 

What ingredients are best for oily skin?

Ingredients that help exfoliate dead skin cells to keep pores unclogged and increase new skin cell production, such as Vitamin A/Retinol, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid, are good for treating acne as well. Benzoyl peroxide is a topical agent for fighting bacteria and unclogging pores. It is one of the longest-used medications to keep oily pores clean and healthy. Jojoba oil is also good for fighting bacteria trapped in oily skin and maintaining a moisture barrier to prevent over-production of sebum.

Does turmeric work on oily skin ?

turmeric may be effective for oily skin, but there are many other factors that may affect whether this ingredient would work on your skin or if there are better ingredients that may work for you. Take this skin quiz to find the best ingredients for your skin and build your skincare routine.

Next: Does retinoic acid work on fine lines ?

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