Does witch hazel work on clogged pores ?

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What is witch hazel?

Native to the USA, this shrub is also known as winterbloom. It can be grown in gardens as a low-maintenance medicinal plant. It attracts beneficial insects and hummingbirds, and is often liked by gardeners. The plant is mostly safe, but consuming any parts isn’t recommended.

What is it best for?

Witch hazel can be applied to the skin to help protect it against damage. It has powerful antioxidants that improve skin health. Toners containing witch hazel extract have been found to relieve irritation and inflammation. It also reverses signs of aging, clears oily skin, and helps heal skin quicker.

What is the drawback?

Witch hazel may not be safe for human consumption. It may cause stomach upset when eaten. Used topically, it can cause mild irritation. Some people are allergic to it, so make sure you test it first. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using witch hazel.


What are pores? 

Pores are itsy-bitsy openings in the skin—and there are millions covering every millimeter of skin. There are two types of pores with different functions: sweat pores and oil pores. The sweat pore allows moisture, produced by sweat glands, to exude out to the surface of the skin, where it helps to cool the body in response to heat, exertion or fever. Sweat pores are so tiny, they are mostly invisible to the human eye. 

The oil pore, on the other hand, is a bit larger. Oil pores are also known as hair follicles because these pores produce oil from the sebaceous glands, but they are also the openings from which hair emerges. The oils help to keep our skin and hair healthy. It is the oil pores that can get clogged with sweat, debris and other gunk, causing acne, blackheads and whiteheads. Sweat pores rarely get clogged, as they are so tiny. 

What ingredients are best for unclogging pores?

Benzoyl peroxide is a topical agent for fighting bacteria and unclogging pores. It is one of the longest-used medications to keep pores clean and healthy. Jojoba oil and rosehip oil are also good for reducing inflammation, fighting bacteria, and keeping in moisture for healthier skin. Ingredients that help exfoliate dead skin cells and increase new skin cell production, such as Vitamin A/Retinol, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid, are good for keeping pores unclogged as well.

Does witch hazel work on clogged pores ?

witch hazel may be effective for clogged pores, but there are many other factors that may affect whether this ingredient would work on your skin or if there are better ingredients that may work for you. Take this skin quiz to find the best ingredients for your skin and build your skincare routine.

Next: Does argan oil work on cystic acne ?

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