A Comprehensive Guide on How to Use a Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that’s naturally found in many foods. Broccoli, red peppers, oranges, and lemons are loaded with it. However, while the fruity-tasting vitamin is important for your body, it’s also got various skin-related benefits.

You can use a vitamin C serum to give your skin a boost and to take care of some common skin problems. In this blog, we will go over the what, why, how, and when of using vitamin C. To learn more about your skin and what it needs, take our skin quiz. It takes just a couple of minutes to complete, and you will receive an affordable skincare kit that is made just for you. We put the right ingredients in the right formula in the right order – in a way that is right for you.

What is pure vitamin C?

Let’s start with an explanation of what “pure vitamin C” is, and how it differs from plain old vitamin C.

The vitamin has many forms – ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, and some others. Of these, ascorbic acid is the most well-known, and the purest. This means that the body is able to absorb it more easily through the bloodstream.

The term “pure” is used relatively and means that other forms of the vitamin aren’t as pure or as bioavailable. For people who are sensitive to ascorbic acid, those others may be good alternatives.

What Are the Benefits of Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is very important for our body in general, but did you know that there are many benefits of vitamin C to our skin? Some benefits for our skin include protecting skin from sun damage, increasing brightness, and reducing inflammation. That’s why vitamin C makes a great component to a skin regimen for treating acne, dark spots, oily skin, and rosacea.

Vitamin C serum for acne

Acne is a chronic, inflammatory condition that can have severe effects on a person’s life. It can negatively impact one’s emotional health, which often makes the problem worse – thus forming a vicious cycle. Fortunately, vitamin C is a potent ingredient that can solve the problem once and for all. It helps with hyperpigmentation and inflammation and can successfully treat acne. 

Vitamin C serum for dark spots

Acne can leave behind unsightly dark spots after it heals. Vitamin C helps treat hyperpigmentation by slowing down melanin production. This will lead to dark spot free, even-toned skin.

Vitamin C serum for oily skin

Vitamin C is instrumental in helping your skin retain moisture. It keeps your skin hydrated, especially if used with hyaluronic acid (which your body produces naturally, but in decreasing amounts as you age). This can help balance oily skin, and restore a fresh, youthful appearance.

Vitamin C serum for rosacea

Vitamin C can help control rosacea – especially the inflammation caused by the condition. It may cause a little skin redness when you first start using it, especially if the product is strong, but that will soon reduce, and you’ll notice a visible improvement in a couple months.

How to Use a Vitamin C Serum?

Here are some commonly asked questions about using a vitamin C serum – everything you need to know before you start using the product. If you have any doubts, always err on the side of caution.

How Often to Use Vitamin C Serum

You should ideally use your vitamin C serum daily, applying it once or twice per day. When using vitamin C for sensitive skin, use the vitamin C serum every other day. After a couple days, if you think your skin can handle more frequent application, switch to daily use.

When to Apply Vitamin C Serum?

Vitamin C serum can be used either in the morning or at night. You can wear the serum during the day without any issues. So you’re free to use the serum whenever you’d prefer to, according to your skincare routine. 

Can I use vitamin C serum after micro-needling?

We don’t recommend using the serum immediately after undergoing micro-needling, as the skin needs to heal. Vitamin C is strong and can cause irritation. We recommend waiting at least 1-2 weeks after the procedure before you start using the serum.

What is vitamin C serum’s expiration date?

Vitamin C is an unstable compound, which means its potency degrades on exposure to oxygen, so we strongly recommend using it within 3-6 months of opening the bottle. Keeping it for longer may cause it to oxidize, which reduces its effectiveness. Store it in a cool, dry place, and keep it away from direct sunlight to extend its lifespan.

Vitamin C serum and pregnancy – is it safe?

Absolutely! Vitamin C serum can be used by pregnant women. In fact, it’s a better option than hydroquinone and other ingredients for treating dark spots. Vitamin C is also safe for using when you’re breastfeeding. Your skin may be drier than usual, in which case you will find the serum helpful. There are no associated risks.

Will a vitamin C serum interfere with my medication?

Since the serum will be applied topically instead of being ingested, chances of it interacting with orally swallowed medication are extremely low. However, if you have any concerns, ask your doctor before using the serum.

Can I try a vitamin C serum DIY? 

Pure vitamin C is very unstable, especially in water solutions, so we don’t recommend trying to make a serum yourself. You may be wasting your time and energy. Buy a product from a reliable company instead. Or take our skin quiz, and we’ll let you know if a vitamin C serum is the right ingredient for your needs and skin goals.

Troubleshooting Problems with Vitamin C

Most people don’t experience any problems while using a vitamin C serum. However, there’s a chance you may, depending on whether your skin is used to the product, how sensitive your skin is, and several other factors. Here are some common problems and questions and tips for troubleshooting them.

Can Vitamin C serum cause acne?

While vitamin C does not directly cause acne, it is a strong ingredient and can therefore cause skin irritation. This leads to a triggered immune system, which, in acne-prone people, can cause a breakout.

My vitamin C serum is causing dry skin!

The vitamin C formula needs to have a low pH in order to be effective, and low pH can cause dry skin. We recommend using a moisturizer after applying the serum.

Vitamin C serum makes my face red!

Vitamin C is a strong ingredient, so it can make your skin sensitive and red. Generally, if your skin is turning red, it means you’re using too much serum. Lower the amount you use regularly, and that should solve the problem. If you find your skin can’t tolerate pure vitamin C, there are some vitamin C derivatives that you can use that won’t cause irritation. In addition, there are alternatives to vitamin C as well.

How long is it before a vitamin C serum works?

The answer depends on what you expect from the product and how your skin responds to it. Age also plays an important role. Younger people see results sooner because their skin can heal itself quicker. Speaking generally, you can expect to see results in a couple of months, and in 3-6 months you should be able to see lasting results.

Take our skin quiz to learn more about your skin and its needs. It has been designed using the Skin AI™, and it helps us find the right ingredients and formulas for your skin, so we can put them inappropriate products for you. We don’t use a one-size-fits-all approach; at Y’OUR we put the right ingredients in the right formula in the right order, in a way that is right for you.

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